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COVID-19 experience 2020

Updated: Jan 5, 2021

The last three conventions that I wetn lasy year was lucky enough to go. The three were Pow Comic Con, Katuscon, and Puchicon. All of a sudden the corona virus has put us in danger to our lives. Corona virus is a respiratory illness caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. Symptoms often include cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. Somehow the virus has spread all over the world. It revolves with sneezing or coughing symptoms. We lost a lot of our conventions throughout the year. this was kinda of a major impact for us losing our fun experience.

The Last con, I've went was Puchicon by Secaucus by the embassy suites when we got the word about the Covid-19. The Puchicon staff and myself provided everyone handsanitizers, tissues, and keep 6ft away from anyone getting sick. We don't wanna risk anyone getting sick after the con was concluded. I was being cautious everyone that have to be gealthly to survive the weekend before the pandemic.

After Puchicon was concluded, the weekend of lockdown began MArch 15th which everything is closed down. All of us lose our jobs and can't pay our bills on time. I'm lucky I have a job to keep in the meantime. Further down with the whole pandemic last around May to stay home. I was caught up working my cosplays and doing tiktoks. I feel that everyone that into cosplay hit on the tiktoks to build content. And I thought about why not I have so much spare time crafting and free time in my hands to make videos. It seems fundamental using tiktok. I had to bring out all my cosplays which I knew it was easy to pull off. I had to make 30 titkoks a day. Tiktok has build everyone to be motivated to build content. I did some cosplay fandom such as Disney, Pokemon, Nintendo, Dragonball, etc. Those were my best attributes go with my line up. I normally do 3 times a week through June.

Here's some tiktoks. I've recently done though pandemic. You can also follow my on Tiktok

Tiktok Link

I've been doing tiktok like January though my friends got me into. I build up little by little as much I get less followers if I need to improve my cosplays.

Social distance

With no conventions happening everything have to be done virtually rest of the year. How do we handle that situation? All you need is a computer and headset to listen all the things what the con have virtually. I knew no cons happening, so I've opened up a discord so that everyone had to be in the chat. I opened it because if my followers want to see updates. Discord is a app that you can communicate for cons, gaming, fandom, or celebrities. I've done a virtual con before during June for Casa con despite with no Animenext happeneing that the convention center is currently a hopsital. I'm was sad that nothing was going on, yet there's cosplay meet ups happening all over NJ/NY areas. I've decided to go one of them. I follow up social distancing wearing a mask. New York City was one of hot spots that most cases of Covid-19. I had o be more careful upon meeting up or going to any red zones areas.

Full List of Social Distance

August 15th Cosplay Beach day

It was close towards my bday to do a beach cosplay shoot.

The Whole Cosplay beach day 8/15

this was a fun event to do once in awhile if we had to social distance. We all have our masks on to get there safety. Its dangerous had to get back before dark. Otherwise the virus would been active in the night time. Night time at NYC is worst time that you stay longer. Ensure you get your buddies to check on you.

August 22nd Pokemon Meet up

Pkmn Trainer vs. Raihan

Left side Ash Ktchum Pkmn trainer John Cena

This was my 2nd comeback going to NYC during the pandemic. Even with less people we still made it happen. We had like 5 people show. it was good overall. All it counts we made it happen. Plus its some of us wanna build up cosplay content to keep it as a memory.

Spiderverse photoshoot 9/20

The next up was the Spider verse shoot. I knew it was easy all you need is any Spiderman outfit of any kind. So, I went as Spiderman from far from home. Spiderman was my easiest cosplay to do it in any matter of any spider verse fandom.

The whole Spider Verse shoot. This we had to go by Union Square park then we decided to hit one more location by the subway tunnel leads to 191st. this was a fun event

Halloween Photoshoot 10/24

Halloween is one of those time's we have to decide what we want to go as. There was two photoshoots spots I've went to. I've went one at the Brooklyn Bridge and one by Central PArk. I've have to go as Black Doom for both shoots. I've made this cosplay long as I've done in the Fall season.

You can see the whole pictures under my Facebook page as well for more pics to see. Both locations at the Brookyln Bridge and Central park. It was crowded, but many people have to social distance. Halloween will occur once a year when times like this we able to do annual photoshoot.

In Conclusion, with the pandemic being lasted close towards the entire year of 2020. All of us were brave to follow all the social distancing rules apply here. I hope this virus goes away for the vaccine to cure. Up till then stay safe and healthy.

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